Trying to Blog More Regularly
Ok, so I guess the point of a blog is to write more than every six months or so. I'm trying. Now that Sophie has really learned to entertain herself, I think I can do it. Maybe...see, she's learned to entertain herself, but she's also learned that she doesn't need to take a nap in the morning. This sucks. Oh well. Since Pat is the only person that reads my blog, it seems kind of nutty to even post anything. So, nothing profound today. Oh yeah, Pat, Susan and Adam are pregnant. Sorry I didn't tell you. Adam emailed me a couple of weeks ago to see if I had any advice for Susan on the whole first trimester sickness. Then Susan emailed me with a bunch of questions, which I was happy to answer. Oh yeah, and Eric and Alison had their baby on Monday. He doesn't have a name yet, but I'm guessing it's Paul Owen. He was 8 lbs and 1 oz. Alison had a slightly longer and shittier labor than I did. Aside from my fourth degree crotch blowout, I had a great least that's what I think now :) Hey, how bad can it be sitting in the hospital all day watching shitty monster movies on AMC and Young Frankenstein on Comedy Central. Sounds like a good day to me. Anyway, the baby is fine, Alison also had 4th degree tears, but seems to be doing ok. My mom was there for the final push and stayed for the next day to help them out.
My show goes up tonight too. The kids loved "Velvet Elvis" and it works really well with the performance. I'll have to get a copy of the performance.
Well, that's all the news from the Cannon River Valley. Where all the children are huge, all the women are nuts beyond belief and all the men are buff.
I had a fourth degree tear once. I shouldn't jerk off so much.
Or maybe you should just use more lubrication. It would make tearing a little less difficult if you could slide around more easily.
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Where has all of the news gone?
I sit here, waiting.
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