Blood or Post
Since Henry is demanding blood or a post, I guess I will honor him with a post. It has been WEEKS since my last post, but not too much has happened. We went to LA with Sophie, which rocked. We had a great time. Sophie especially liked the beach.

I especially liked the cocktails at the Roosevelt Hotel. The Roosevelt was the closest thing we had to a neighborhood bar when we lived in Hollywood - it's no bb dixon's, that's for sure! It was good to go back and hang out there even though they've remodeled the whole place to be very chichi, which is kind of cool actually. Sophie got her own cocktail served in a martini glass - it was white cranberry juice with a twist. But it kept her from coveting our cocktails and made her happy. It was a great moment of fulfillment to see my baby drink a cocktail in the Roosevelt Hotel lobby :) Who knew?!
Back at the ranch, I've been frantically trying to prepare to go to the Northfield Sesquicentennial Governor's Ball. I am doing choreography for the Northfield Youth Choir, who is performing there. Their director, who is an extremely positive, upbeat perky woman, wants me to be there and to perform with them. UGH! I'm 31, fat and no one wants to see me trot my stuff in a ballgown. I will do my best, despite my aging body and face. My mom is working hard to knockoff Grace Kelly's blue dress from To Catch A Thief and I will feel like a fucking princess for a night if nothing else. Oh yeah, and there will be shoes involved. I love shoes :) Now, I just have to thin of what I'm going to do for the "dance" portion of the NYC performance. They are dancing - they kids, that is - and then Liz, the perky director, wants ME to dance. ARG! I'll think of something. It won't be pretty.
Anyway, Mom's here for a dress fitting. Hope you liked the post, Hank.
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