Dancin' and Singin' in the Rain
Sohpie sang this to me this morning on her potty, so I thought I would title this blog after her singing. She's been singing a lot lately, it's pretty funny. She can even take a song and replace the words with other words. For example, she sings "The Wheels on the Bus" a lot because she likes the part where the dog goes "bark, bark, bark". So, she decided to replace those words with some words from Nemo, "fish are friends, not food". She sang, "The fish on the bus are friends not food, friends not food, friends not food." It was pretty funny.
Things have been merrily rolling along here. I've been busy, but pleasantly so for the most part. I miss Sophie, but it's good to be employed/working. Cinderella opened a couple of weeks ago and it was a blast!! I saw opening night and just could not stop laughing for the opening number. The energy was great and the movement was good and Brendon was brilliant! It just made me feel really wonderful to be involved in something so totally outrageous. THEN, Paul Woodings had to have a bladder biopsy and all went to hell. Bob decided to pick up the part of Donna, the other ugly sister played by Paul (Brendon is the other sister!!). I had to spend time teaching Bob the dances and he had to rapidly learn Paul's lines. It was a bit chaotic and stressful, but he managed to do it. He turned up on stage on Friday night of the second weekend looking gorgeous and dancing beautifully. So, the story has a happy ending...for the most part, we still don't know what has happened with Paul, but were happy to see him at Sunday's matinee looking well. After Sunday's matinee, we went over to Raelene's house for a wondeful cast party. Sophie got to play with Audrey and Cordelia and just had a blast. She ran through the sprinkler and got totally soaked. Even when the water sprayed her in the face, she cried and laughed at the same time. It was pretty funny. She eventually figured out when to run away from the sprinkler to avoid getting hit in the face.
So, things are going swimingly here. I was a bit concerned that we were going to be obliterated by North Korea, but then I discovered that they didn't have oil so they must not be any real threat. Only people with oil are real threats to America's freedom. Thank Gawd!
Dear Blog Person,
This is North Korea.
We are soooo mad at you!
We will bomb you shortly with our IPBM (Interpersonal Ballistic Missile).
Ummm... could you stand outside, approximately 15 feet north of your front door at 2:36 pm, your time.
That will help things go better.
Thank you in advance.
North Korea
Bummer about the North Korea personal attack.
Say, I don't think you added enough about just _how_ brilliant I was.
You certainly didn't use nearly enough exclamation points!
Example: "...Brendon was brilliant!" could just as easily have been the more-accurately stated, "...Brendon was brilliant!!!!!"
Now, you might protest that that would be too much typing; to which I would respond: shorten "brilliant" to "brill". This frees time for the extra exclamation points.
PS: I need your iPod next week. Taking a road trip to Montana with the family. I'll pay you to get to use it! Just save your most recent update on the iTunes and then delete the pod and I'll throw fifty tons worth of my own crap on there.
I'll even give you Francis E. Dec's rants.
Prettyplease, Prettypants,
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