Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New Avatar

Ok, so she's not as hot, but it reflects the haircut and the yearning for spring that is welling up inside of me:

Yahoo! Avatars

The lavender dragon just matched the outfit. I figured, there are no baby accessories, so maybe it can be Sophie. I wonder why they don't have any fat avatars...or any old middle aged looking avatars. They all look shiny and videogamey with large Manga eyes and pouty lips. God forbid they even put a pregnant avatar on there. I wonder if anyone has an alternate avatar site where you can make gross disgusting avatars. If only I were an artist. Instead, I just yearn to draw stick figures with some depth.

Speaking of stick figures, last night at rehearsal I was able to display the pen-drawn penis that is in my Cabaret song book. I had to assure them that I could not doing this by saying that I can only draw stick figures and that the penis had waaay to much dimensionality to ever be my drawing. Yup. Cleared of those charges!


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Shari's so pregnant that Wisconsin people think she's fat.

Shari's so pregnant that she has "Goodyear" written on her belly.

Shari's so pregnant that Sally Struthers tried to feed her!

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck avatars.... what a fucking retarded concept... ohhh... I need someone to help me virtually communicate or communicate in virtual reality ... can't these people write their feelings out? Avatars will not be cool or even worth the time until you can actually download your entire personality into them... then I can be a fucking smartass online, while I sleep... and my avatar would just be a big ol' hard cock...

Fuck dragons too while we're at it... fuck you dragons! fuck all y'all, fucking dragons... such a blatant rip-off from the dinosaurs... dragons are fucking stupid... I know let's put a dragon in our movie, and then it will be cool! Where's the massive imagination in that... if the fucking dragon is supposed to be so fucking emblematic of the fantasy (sub)genre, why can't they actually be used in a creative manner... fantasy should be, by definition, among the most creative of all literary genres... why then is there ALWAYS a fucking dragon... do any fantasy authors actually think creatively, or do they simply rehash?

Fuck dragons man... fuck avatars... fuck it all...

I'm really fucking tired...

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I guess that rat on the avatar of you that I created wasn't Rufus. It must be Anonymous.

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What "rat"? I see no rat. Who the fuck is Rufus? Why the fuck would I be Rufus?

I repeat, just because it's on the internet and it has a spacey name like "avatar", doesn't make it worthwhile. Beside that, I agree with Shari, fuck Anime and Manga. Most of it is worthless shit. I've read some of the graphic novels; you know what, they suck. Some of them suck donkey dick; some of them suck horse cock; and some of them suck shit, but they pretty much all suck... I've watched some of the "great" anime films, again, most of them are ponderous and dull...

The best anime I've seen doesn't even approach a bad episode of the Simpsons... and don't try to tell me that they are different genres; they just fucking aren't...

The only truly good anime cartoons I've seen are Stinkoman. Wow! A sense of humor in anime? Yes. Yes. It's possible...

Do you want more ranting? It's fun...

Then again, I'd love to be proven wrong. I've told my kids to show me good anime. They bring home "great" films. I watch. I yawn. Nope, haven't seen it yet.


At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth is, I'm just fucking jealous because you've got this totally hot avatar and this hilarious blog, and I can't figure out how to make my own avatar, let alone start my own fucking blog. Fucking blogger. What the fuck is a template?

Fuck blogger, and fuck dragons and anime too, while we're at it...

Guess I'm stuck just being an anonymous loser...

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. That stuff is just too difficult to me. I fear both pointing and clicking to that extent. Oh... my... God. I can assure you, such tasks would be insurmountable to me.

The point isn't that I "fuck" blogger; the point is that I fear blogger. Like all "empowering" technologies; it too has cast its own pall over the creative instinct. Like ubiquitous digital audio / video equipment which makes recording your own music / movies / shows so easy, it pulls millions of people into that world who would otherwise have avoided it due to cost, difficulty, or availability.

Here's the point: Just because a person, and I'm not saying Shari here, can pour their random musings onto the internet; it doesn't really follow that they should. Remember the description of the internet: a massive sea of information, miles wide and an inch deep. Blogging's body of water is, unfortunately, only a half-inch deep with the bottom of the sea composed entirely of sewage.

Seriously, besides people you know, go out and look for really good blogs... yes, you'll find the huge, massively popular ones, blogs that are now, essentially, businesses. But most personal blogs are part of the sewage on the bottom. Dull by even a generous evaluation.

I wish blogging would actually make people better writers, and maybe it does for some, but on a level only slightly above inane and worthless chat room dialogue.

So, why do I not join blogger and conquer my horrible fear? It is, as I said, too great a task for me. Making me both point and click, perhaps several times in succession, giving me yet another username (I lovethat thishas become oneword, what'snext?)and password (ah, there wego!)These things make me so apprehensive. I honor those of you who have climbed this dangerous wall, and emerged on the other side. You are truly giants of the technology.

As for anime, if loathing it makes me, in some undiscoverable way, an anonymous loser, so be it. I'll keep that tag rather than be seen as one more adult fixated by the horny Japanese patriarchal obsession with second grade girls. The fodder for about 80% of anime subject matter and the artistic touchpoint for its core design elements.

So, to sum up, fuck avatars (worthless identity supplements, signifying so very, very little), fuck dragons (tired fantasy creature with a stranglehold on the small imaginations of a purportedly imaginative subgenre of literature), fuck anime (repetitive, dull, pedophiliac-inspired formula), and yeah, while we're at it, we'll fuck blogging too (the generally quite poorly-written, inane thought bubbles, that should, perhaps, remain as such.)

A final thought: Let us not forget that millions of tortured junior high, high school and college kids across the country, across the world, write poetry. Yes, it's expressive of who they are; it says to the world: look at my suffering, and I wish I could spell. Unfortunately now, what used to be confined to notebooks in bedrooms and backpacks, and pulled out only in conjunction with trying to pick up a boy / girl, is readily available in gut-wrenchingly horrible blogs. Most other blogs are similarly lacking. Blogs signify an unfortunate rise to power of pablum.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Circe said...

After reading these last sets of comments - Anonymous, are you deleting your comments?? - I think the three of us should get a blog together and have crossfire like conversations. That would be pretty cool. Anyway, I don't like most anime either. I love Spirited Away and most of Miyazaki's stuff, but the other stuff I've seen is dense and weird - even for a David Lynch fan. Seriously, consider the crossfire blog. It would be a fun experiement in drivel creation....

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I've not deleted anything that I've written on your blog. I don't know who the 6:38 AM anonymous blogger was, but it was not I. I'm all for debate. Don't know how stimulating it will all be, but I could make it fun.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That was me. I misspelled something and was embarrased.

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what the fuck, rehearse tonight?

Are you up for it? 6:30 at your house? 7:30? We'll use your laptop. I have a bell and a headset.

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a redheaded dancing girl who had an orgasm on stage, and brought the fucking house down! Man, you were great. About halfway through the monologue, I could tell you were above the audience, just so into the part that they didn't exist anymore. At that point you had them eating out of your... I would say "hand", but that's not quite what I'm thinking in this particular case. You knocked 'em out. The only problem I had with the whole thing is that they were laughing so hard at the end that they missed your last line, which is a line I'm partial to. You deserved evry bit of the applause. You transcended the stage. I'll keep writing. Would you like another play?


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