Thursday, October 12, 2006

It's %$#*! Snowing

For those of you hungry for a blog post, here it is...ok, I guess this is for all ONE of you.

It's snowing. Yup, I can't believe it, but it's snowing. It went from being totally gorgeous, nay, 80 degrees or so to #$%#@#@?+!! snowing. I know this is the Midwest. I know this is how it happens. But it never ceases to amaze me. Woah! So, there it is.

I've been avoiding blogging because the stupid blogger thing hates me. It is really designed for people with a high speed connection and we, the people, we, the lame, are still on dial-up, which serves our purposes well.......for the most part. I couldn't get it to upload Sophie pictures last time I was on, so I just kind of gave up.

Since my last post, I had a birthday. That was pretty exciting. I had a very fine party with fine food and fine friends. It rocked. Best birthday I've had in years.

I have also started Beauty and the Beast rehearsal. So far, so good. Of course, I've only had one rehearsal, but it wasn't too bad. There are certain people in the cast who, I am sure, are staring at me thinking, "Why the hell is she doing this? I could do soooooo much better!" But I'm choosing to ignore them. This is one of the benefits of usually working with teenagers, they don't really ever think this of you. Adults, however, think it. I know...I've thought it. Teenagers think things like, "You're a dumbass, why can't you do this right?" or "Wow, your butt looks great in those pants, but your twice my age." or "What the fuck is a jazz square?" but they VERY rarely think they can do what I do. I wonder why that is. Who cares?! Rock and Roll is only a heartbeat away and I will be back in my element. Rockin' and Rollin'.

My friend Jon also visited last week. That rocked. Really rocked. It was so nice to have someone else around all day besides Sophie or my mom. I love both of them and they are great company, but Jon makes me laugh all the time and forgives me for being a cutesy mommy and having a dirty mind at the same time. We have both said that we are appreciating the absurdist thing a bit more than the gutter thing lately anyway. Having children around all the time certainly makes you more creative.

Well, Sophie is prematurely up from her nap, so I need to run. Damn.


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You butt does look good in jeans and I'm not twice your age!

Isn't it weird to have people half our age in high school?

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Brendon Etter said...

What's weird is having people one-tenth your age in high school...

Seriously, three year olds...

That's freakin' amazing.

Heart Heart Heart...


At 12:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's %$#*! been a while since you've posted.


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