Bored on a Thursday Night
Annie sent me the cutest sight ever, or something like that. I downloaded this ultracute picture of a hamster eating corn. I thought the only thing that would make it cuter would be to add Sophie. I was a bit curious about what would happen, so here it is:

YAY!! Finally, blogger accepts my pictures. Maybe my bitter feud will end and I will start posting again. Happy January to everyone!
HOLY FUCKING SHIT and SHIT FUCKING HOLY SHIT, she, like, fucking POSTED(!!) something... given the gap between posts and the collapsed time spectrum imposed by the computer age, this new post is roughly the time equivalent of the Supremes getting back together... in 2015.
What software did you use for compositing the images?
Wonderful. A disease-toting rodent. And the mouse is ugly, too.
HAAAA!!! Just kidding. Sophie looks cool, but I still hate the damn rodent.
To Bleeet: I used Photoshop.
To Henry: I don't recall hamsters ever spreading the plague. However, I do believe that iguanas and several other amphibians/reptiles have spread salmanilla. Go figure. Hamsters spreading the plague would be kind of cute though ;)
It's nothing but a rodent.
I don't recall Melvyn shitting anywhere he pleased (one spot in his cage), nor rooting through my drawers eating everything.
Neither does Louie, although it does rule when he eats about 20 crickets in three minutes. He must be Japanese.
Hamsters spreading the plague would be cute, but let's not forget the three little kittens who lost their mittens. Those mittens were infected with tuberculosis and 40,000 people died before the CDC contained the outbreak. Sad, but cute!
Yep, that confirms it. I hate rodents.
Who could forget that outbreak of reptilian fever where the whole crew almost died, if not for the clever maneuverings of Dr. Crusher. Ah, the future.
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