Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It's so %#$%#$%#ing Fast

Yes, dear readers (all 2 of you), we finally got high speed internet access. Woohoo!!! There is a new company in town called Northfield WiFi. They provide an awesome service to those of us not wanting to use cable. I felt very "Omaha" as they came over and pounded an antenna on our roof and drilled a hole in the wall. But I feel very "Uptown" with our superfast speed and our awesome router power that allows me to use my Mac laptop. ("I don't trust people with routers" - T. Waits in concert) So, now I have one less excuse for blogging. I just need to get rid of Sophie, Michael and all of my other commitments in life and that will be the rest of them. But who wants to blog instead of making up plays with your two year old or just hanging out on the couch with your spouse. Not me man!

Sophie has become more hilarious by the day. We made up a play this morning using some crazy ass finger monsters my mom bought her at the Art Store. Here it is:

Monster #1: I have big teeth
Monster #2: I have little teeth
Monster #1: I will destroy you little monster
Monster #2: No, I'm nice.
Monster #1: Ok, let's go have coffee.
Monster #2: Yeah!

I'm Monster #1. She made up all of her own dialog. Pretty good for a two year old. Hell, that's pretty good for a grade schooler. I also love that she's learned that being nice keeps you from getting destroyed by monsters with big teeth.

RRR is going swimingly. They still have a long way to go, but by the time Henry and Bleeet see it on Saturday it will be pretty darn good. It's always hard to know how something is going when you are on the inside. When you are pushing a building forward it's hard to see around it to know if you are pushing it far enough or in the right direction. You always need someone else to tell you that the building is not going to fall over and that you are doing a fine job pushing. I make a habit of pushing buildings so don't ask about the crazy analogy.

I haven't blogged about the revolution for a while, so I'll take a couple of minutes to say that we are doing our best to raise a good revolutionary. Sophie has been reveling in saying "Fight the Power" (she also does a killer dance to this song!) and "Stick it to the man" and "Power to the people" and one that Bleeet has added to her rep, "Whitey on the moon." It's pretty funny and awesome powerful to know that the next generation is going to be OK.


At 2:03 PM, Blogger ShOI said...

You've got at least four regular readers and you know it. Five, if you count that reader who never leaves comments and hasn't told you she's reading your blog ;)

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Brendon Etter said...

My wife and I both read your blog. And was that a slam on me... the "who wants to blog instead of..." comment?

You're just jealous.

Besides, I don't even have a two year old... or a couch, and I think I make up enough plays, thank you very much.

(NB: We do have two sofas and a davenport - as my Gradma Millie use to call them.)

At 9:42 AM, Blogger Brendon Etter said...

"use" = used -- in previous post

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Circe said...

My Grandma Joyce also says davenport. What's the deal with that?

Anyway, Bleeet, it's not always about you. You may rock, but that comment wasn't referring to you. Honestly. I promise to devote a whole post to you in the very near future. That way it will be all about you. Of course, I have enough material for a book...or maybe just a hefty pamphlet.

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I haiku
at your laziness...
I want more!

At 8:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Time to talk
about John Daker,
but no post?


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