Wednesday, October 26, 2005

YAY! We didn't kill her!!

A quick post on the occasion of Sophie's first birthday. I think the title pretty much says it all. We made it. She's walking and sort of talking and can do all kinds of cool things, including the cool Beastie Boys dance I've been teaching her (in your face Padraig!) So, overall, the last few months have been great and quite the remedy to the first few months, which were suicide inducing, nauseating and mostly just horrid. So, folks, the truth is, it does get better. Babies do indeed rule, but it takes a long time.

Here is what she looked like this time last year:

Here she is on Sunday enjoying her birthday celebration...ok, maybe enjoying is the wrong word, she looks uncertain, but she did have a good time:

So, happy birthday, Tiny, we will continue to hope that we don't kill you, although statistically, I think we're out of the danger zone now!