Mia Criceta
That's Creeeecheta. As in "Mi Criceta ha una pistola, fugite!" "My hamster has a gun, run away!" Yes, on our '04 trip to Italy, we were the worst kind of tourists...Americans. The first two times I went, we were very civil, only the occasional rabble was roused, but the third time we were with Pat and Shaun and all bets were off. We posed weirdly in front of every damn warning sign we could. It was fun, but I felt a little bad since Italians do sort of frown on that sort of thing. Of course they should talk, didn't Mussolini cartweel down the Autobahn? Regardless, we still had such a great time. I miss Rome. I miss the Italians. It's the one place in the world I really feel at home...besides Northfield, oddly enough. Who knew that I would ever find contentment (or cows and colleges for that matter!) in a town of less than 20,000 people? It's a strange feeling. I love my house, I love my "job", I love my friends, especially that hot Brendon guy. Ok, so this was NOT going to be about how much I love Northfield, but about a hamster.
So, about this hamster...well, for Sophie's birthday, we spent $10 on this silly ne stupid hamster that rolls around in a ball and crashes into things.

Yes, we actually paid money for it. I thought, you know, I bet we got ripped off. $10 is a lot to pay for something so cheap, maybe if I look on eBay I'll find it for less. Well, it just so happens that $10 is very reasonable for an obnoxious little hamster in a pink ball. What a racket these people are running! They are asking up to $15 per destructoball hamster. It's crazy! Anyway, I found this on one of their sites and thought it was funny:
It is a life-size furry creature which trundles endlessly forward revolving the plastic ball in which it resides.
You've got to LOVE the English. This guy is from Cheshire, England. It just seethes with propriety...about a fucking mechancial hamster! I wonder what his product description would be for a vibrator. "This lifelike penis trundles endlessly forward into your love canal in which it will reside until you withdraw it at orgasm." Too much.
Oh, as to the "Anonymous" posts on my blog. Get a fucking ID. Everyone knows who you are anyway, fucking David Mamet rip off. You may be hot, but I can out Mamet you any day!