Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ah, my hair!

Ok, so making two posts in one day is extreme, but they are two totally different subjects and I thought they deserved their own space. And afterall, I'm in the Olympic spirit and extreme is what the Olympics is all about - that and passion and snowboarding and hot guys and ugly ass figure skating outfits.

Sophie has a new trick - she has been bringing me all of the remote controls from the table in the living room. I don't know why, but it makes her happy and keeps her occupied. She will also take them back if I ask her - very impressive. She has also started saying "hi" like she's a tiny little Time/Life operator selling "Dorf on Golf" videos. It's cute. She picks up the phone and goes "hi". It makes me all teary-eyed and I laugh a lot. Of course, that has nothing to do with the Olympics or my post.

So, I finally hacked off all of my hair. It's great to get rid of it and I thought it was appropriate for Cabaret. I look like a punk flapper. I had 10" cut off and I donated it to Locks of Love. They use the hair to make wigs for children who have cancer. Of course, they separate out the gray hair and sell it. I hope I didn't have too much gray hair in my ponytail. I know there's more of it than there was 15 and a half months ago! I'm glad I did it...not just because now some tiny little person will have my hair for a wig, but because it was time for something new. It feels great. Now if I could just get over this fucking cold...

I fucking love the Olympics!

Yes, it's true. Every two years, I go nuts and I have to sit in front of the TV every stinking day and watch the Olympics. I can't not do it. I don't know why. It all started with the summer Olympics in 2000. I had never really watched them before and then suddenly it became my life's mission to know exactly what was on and when and who was winning. It certainly helped that a very cute swimmer named Lenny was competing. He was from West Hollywood - no he's not gay, just Russian! - and I lived and shopped in West Hollywood, so I felt like he was my guy. So, there I was...addicted. Ever since then, it's been a habit. In 2002, it was a great feeling to watch as the world came together after 9/11. There was a lot of fear still, but the games went on and they rocked. Watching in 2004 was difficult however. Ever since they cancelled "Farscape" on the SciFi network, we have been without cable. Our 100+ year old house has never been fitted for cable, so we sit and watch on a fuzzy TV. So, if one of the competitors is cute, I would never know. At least I can tell what's going on. Anyway, I've been watching this year and it's been great drama. There is such an incredible amount of talent. It inspires me and makes me insanely jealous. Of course, I am NOT an athletic person by any means, so I can't be too jealous, knowing that I could never be there myself. Although, I could potentially luge or do skeleton. All you have to do is stay incredibly straight and be fucking insane to do either one of these sports. Who thought it was a good idea to get on a sled, face first and throttle themselves at 80 miles an hour down a slick track? It's just nuts. Someone must have had too much Gloog before they tried this because no sober person every would. Oh yeah, I particularly liked the funkadelic Alpine inspired dresses that the hot chicks carrying the signs for the Parade of Nations wore. How did they even make those? OR how did they get them on those girls? I'm baffled. They must have been lowered into them with a crane. I so want to be one of those sign carriers!! Anyway, I love the fucking Olympics. They rock! End of story.