Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Ok, so I've blogged before about superheroes and superpowers and all of that stuff. So, I took the superhero name test and here are my results:

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Crimson Justice
Your Superpower is Mutant
Your Weakness is Philosophizing
Your Weapon is Your Ice Club
Your Mode of Transportation is Segway

Pretty sweet! My real superpower is being able to drink and then speak Italian. It's pretty cool. One night in LA, during a Thanksgiving we spent there, we went to the pre-renovated Roosevelt and had martinis. Then we went to this Italian place in the new fancy pants Babylon court and I was able to order everything in Italian and even asked for tap water and probably said a few other things. Bizzare.

Anyway, here's another mention of Brendon. I spent an hour and a half tormenting this oh so hot friend of mine today. Poor guy. Sophie and I went and visited him at the Carleton bookstore. We had a good time. Sophie played with some defective books. (What the hell is a defective book anyway? Patron: Well, this book is defective it doesn't have any words. Clerk: Uh, sir, this is a notebook. YOU put the words in it.) Then she played with some shopping baskets and was just generally pleased to be there. So was I. I've run out of non-mall type places to take her that are indoors, so the bookstore rocked. Anything but watching Nemo, Yellow Submarine or anything else AGAIN!

And to finish up, here's a cute new picture of her:

Monday, January 30, 2006


Ok, so it's been forever since I blogged...but I really haven't had time lately. I've been working on getting the fucking cabinet in our study ready to be put together. It's partially done, but now I need to sand the whole damn thing and shellac it again. ARG! The joys of homeownership. It makes me wish for fairies and not the annoying kind, but the useful kind that do housework and shellac things. Boy I sure could use some of those. Anyway, I still need to do work on it, but didn't manage any of that work today. Instead, I finished some much needed dance work that I have been putting off to do shellacing. Now, there are dance fairies, but they are total assholes and could not possibly do my work better than me. Maybe I can teach these fairies to shellac. It could happen. So, now I have three dance numbers finished that were not finished before. My rockin' Ballet I/II class is dancing to Hey Bulldog and it is so awesome and I finally finished the end, which will make them all happy. My Pre-Ballet class, which is less rockin' and rocks hardly at all now that the disruptive boy child I had at the beginning of the year has returned, is doing a dance to a calypso song. I had no direction for this dance and have been stalling on it for weeks now. Well, I finally have a middle and an end. Woohoo! I also finished my Tango Roxanne dance for my musical theater kids. This will rock almost as much as Hey Bulldog, but I doubt we will perform it for the recital. Oh well. So, that's what I've spent Sophie naptime doing today.

Latest developments for Sophie...shit, she's awake. Nope, that was just Sigur Ros sounding like crying babies. Crying Icelandic babies. Anyway, she has started to attempt to put the ends on words. This is hilarious. Instead of saying "Ba!", which alternately means, Ball, Bottle or Nappo (who knew she was Asian, you have to know the context to know the meaning!), she now says "Bowel", which clearly means ball...or maybe she's finally figured out how to tell us she has to go to the bathroom. But it probably just means ball. It's pretty damn funny. We also made it one whole week without watching Yellow Submarine. This ended today when she found her Yellow Submarine beanie baby and presented it to me. Oh well, it wasn't that bad. Once a week is ok. It's still better than Barney or Elmo.

Latest developments for me...well, I'm going to be dancing around in my underwear for the Spring musical at the NAG. I will be one of six Kit Kat girls in "Cabaret". Woohoo. This is going to be a challenge since I have difficulty dancing when I am wearing a bra or underwear. In this show I am ONLY wearing a bra and underwear, so we shall see. Fortunately my mom and I are doing the costumes, so I will have a say in the bra and underwear I will be wearing.

That's about it. Oh yeah, Brendon thinks that my blog needs more mentions of him. So, here is a mention of him. The end.